Jimmy Sjölund

Authored Comments

That's a good point and probably a good idea for an article or even series, how to keep your kids' desktop and experience free from unwanted things. I didn't see that the distros I tried out had any proxy preconfigured or information on how to set it up. So if you got a browser up you would be able to surf as usual.

Well, as it is "Kubuntu with a Hannah Montana theme" it would be included in the end comments where people suggest using a standard distribution and add a theme the child would like. I admire the ambition to get more people to use Linux:
Q : How/why did you make such a great OS?
A : I thought - what would attract young users to Linux? So I created this idea after a lot of reading and work.

But as it seems to have been a one-person-show I'm not sure about the further development of the distro. And as many wonder, will the next version will be called "Wrecking Ball OS" ...