Jimmy Sjölund

Authored Comments

Just like you I use Vim for everything, except presentations. I write code, blog posts, notes and short stories in vim. I'm so used to it so when trying to use other editors I keep going :w to save instead of CTRL-S. I have tried to use plugins or configurations to a more writer-mode vim but nothing really stuck and I go back to pretty much standard setup. The only thing I change is to get a Solarized look and I write most things in Markdown, so it's easy to read right there but also easily converted to LaTeX, PDF or even Word format. I changed my work notes done in One Note to all markdown files and shrunk over 800 MB to less than 800 kB, including pictures.

I'll have to check out the different suggestions here. I switched to Markdown about a year ago for all note taking at work and otherwise. I then use pandoc to get it into PDFs at the end of the project or year. For anything longer I use LaTeX. When I moved all my notes at work, including pictures, from OneNote to Markdown I went from 800+ MB to less than 800 KB.