Jen Krieger

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United States

Jen Krieger is Chief Agile Architect at Red Hat. Most of her 20+ year career has been in software development representing many roles throughout the waterfall and agile lifecycles.

At Red Hat, she led a department-wide DevOps movement focusing on CI/CD best practices. Most recently, she worked with with the Project Atomic & OpenShift teams.

Now Jen is guiding teams across the company into agility in a way that respects and supports Red Hat's commitment to Open Source.

Authored Comments


"Do you have the courage to step outside of your comfort zone?"

^^ Is a question I ask myself every day... and often the question I ask others when they come to me looking for career advice, work situation advice, anything advice.

Eli - what you just described is exactly how a lot of people I talk to feel about their environment at work; especially in the private sector. CYA is certainly a way you can choose to work. I just choose to work differently– I like to think it works out for me at least most of the time. :)

Bob Galen ( once told me that it is rare to find someone who is going to put themselves out there in a way that will noticeably change the way people work together... and that it is that much rarer for that person to be in management.

I like to think that instead of us waiting for that sole individual in the crowd to come in and make things better for everyone, we should just accept individual responsibility to change... your overall environment may never change. I suspect the way you view yourself, and others around you will.

I'm going to touch on the concept of a CYA environment in my next blog about this topic.