Joshua Pearce

2149 points
Joshua Pearce

Joshua M. Pearce is the John M. Thompson Chair in Information Technology and Innovation at the Thompson Centre for Engineering Leadership & Innovation. He holds appointments at Ivey Business School, the top ranked business school in Canada and the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at Western University in Canada, a top 1% global university. At Western he runs the Free Appropriate Sustainability Technology (FAST) research group. His research concentrates on the use of open source appropriate technology (OSAT) to find collaborative solutions to problems in sustainability and to reduce poverty. His research spans areas of engineering of solar photovoltaic technology, open hardware, and distributed recycling and additive manufacturing (DRAM) using RepRap 3-D printing. He wrote the Open-Source Lab and Create, Share, and Save Money Using Open-Source Projects.

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Another growing resource for those whose children are already involved with Khan Academy for math is

In the US, money is going to determine the direction of policy - which means unless Amazon et al., win this one - the options for the little people are going to be with community-developed mesh networks or municipal internets -- both of which will be direct competitors with the ISPs....who may want to think carefully about the end game of this war as there is no question which team is playing for the best interests of the population (regardless of their motives).