Erik O'Shaughnessy

462 points
XENON coated avatar will glow red in the presence of aliens.
Austin, Tx-ish

Erik O'Shaughnessy is an opinionated but friendly UNIX system programmer living the good life in Texas. Over the last twenty years (or more!) he has worked for IBM, Sun Microsystems, Oracle, and most recently Intel doing computer system performance related work. He is; a mechanical keyboard aficionado, a gamer, a father, a husband, voracious reader, student of Okinawian karate, and seriously grouchy in the morning before coffee.

Authored Comments

Thank you for the praise and you are of course correct with respect to the opt argument being unused in the body of the function. I had intended to emit the offending option in the fprintf but must have forgotten it in the fugue of writing.

While I would normally agree with you, the scope of this article was how to write a main.c and not how to structure a multi-file C program. I guess I know what to write about next :)