Jos Poortvliet

359 points
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Berlin, Germany

People person, technology enthusiast and all-things-open evangelist. Head of marketing at Nextcloud, previously community manager at ownCloud and SUSE and a long time KDE marketing veteran, loves biking through Berlin and cooking for friends and family. Find my personal blog here.

Authored Comments

It is called the 'STAR' method, and it ought to be standard with every job interview. Using the 'STAR' job interview method is known as one of the only three factors which are correlated with actual performance in the job, the other two being a skill and knowledge test and a general IQ test.

STAR stands for Situation, Task, Action, Result and those are the four questions you should ask the inteviewee for each relevant job area:
"Think back to a situation where you were doing X/had to do Y.
Describe the Situation, your Task, what Action you took and what the Result was."

Multiple interviewers should, ideally, rate the outcome on a scale so you can later assess and compare between interviewees.

(in practice, using it the way you describe is both easier and more comfortable of course - it's a formal method and as usual, nobody follows them to the letter)

I trained this method during my studies and when I started soliciting for a job, it surprised me that this method wasn't used at all, despite academic research being very clear on the matter: outside of the three mentioned factors (STAR interview, skill test and IQ test) no other job interview methods, including very expensive "assessment centers" hot in the late 90's and early 2000's, have any reliable and measurable positive outcome on the quality of chosen candidates.

"Encryption". It is installed by default, but disabled so you find it in the Apps view under 'not enabled'. Be sure to check the documentation:…