Jos Poortvliet

359 points
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Berlin, Germany

People person, technology enthusiast and all-things-open evangelist. Head of marketing at Nextcloud, previously community manager at ownCloud and SUSE and a long time KDE marketing veteran, loves biking through Berlin and cooking for friends and family. Find my personal blog here.

Authored Comments

Ethereum based huh... Yeah, very interesting tech for sure. I personally am rather sceptical of such "let's fix all problems at once" type of solutions, slow and steady might be less exciting but it tends to solve real world problems more reliably...

Let's see in, say, 5 years?

I do think you stretched it a bit - quite a few of the reasons just aren't true or at least debatable. Starting with the first - according to most surveys, Unity is the most used Linux Desktop with KDE second and GNOME not even always third.

I would also put the order different - eg 11 is imho the biggest innovation on the Linux desktop in at least 5 years and deserves a 1st spot.

Going by the numbers:
You can debate 4 - being different for the sake of it won't be considered a plus by all people but that's indeed an opinion.

for sure, though, I still have to see the first report which supports 5 - most say XFCE or LXDE are far, far lighter.

6 and 7 - well, they work, yes. I don't think this was ever very important to the developers but users demand it ;-)

8 is honestly a disgrace, breaking the desktop and creating issues for app developers. We at ownCloud hate that GNOME had to go and create their own notification solution even though there was a decent standard which they could've improved or provided feedback upon. Right now, we don't support ANYTHING for our desktop client as supporting different standards is a pita. So yes, this hurts all Linux users and I find it shameful and arrogant.

9 - applications are porting to Qt, but ok ;-)

10 - sure.

11 - biggest innovation/improvement on the linux desktop in years, if you ask me! You sure should've made this number 1.

12 - absolutely nice work there

13 - yeap, GNOME ppl are nice, like most free software folks ;-)

14 - Qt is the de-facto standard now, and I'm glad for it as it is cross-desktop and cross-platform while GNOME/GTK3 is not. Please care about Linux users outside of the small GNOME desktop share and don't promote the use of GTK3 for new apps...

16 - that was more due to personal differences than technical things.To really let the GNOME Shell vision come to life, I can imagine the GNOME devs didn't want to spend a lot of time on creating a great, re-usable infrastructure like the KDE guys did and that made different visions in one code base impossible - like KDE's Plasma has mobile, desktop, netbook, tablet and media center interfaces which share 99% of their code. Again, this was never the goal for GNOME - which is totally fair. But that's what the forks show, not that it is a great code base ;-)

17 and 18 - yup they do great work.