Kendell Clark

288 points
East texas

Kendell Clark is an open source advocate and Fedora user who has been using Gnu/Linux since August 2011. I love my wife melisa, my dog tigger, and gnu/linux, especially if has anything to do with accessibility

Authored Comments

This is not entirely true. I'm not going to argue about speech recognition software for linux, this is definitely one area that needs improvements. The big issue there is probably the lack of good open source speech recognition engines and software patents. As for not being able to toggle sticky keys off and on using the keyboard this isn't true at all. To do this in gnome, you open the dash, start typing universal access, highlight typing assist (access x) press enter, and then press the button inside marked "enable using the keyboard." Why this isn't enabled by default I have no idea. I dislike windows. And I further dislike comments that imply windows is better than linux. Linux needs improving, that is undeniably true. In particular there needs to be good open source speech recognition engines. This probably falls under the category of specialized applications. I'm not going to get into a linux versus windows argument here. You will never convince me that windows is a better option than linux. Period.

hi. Absolutely, mate is a great desktop, and is very accessible. I specifically addressed mate in my draft, but the words got changed around a bit and it didn't make the cut lol. Mate does have some issues with it's panels speaking with orca, but other than that is very accessible. This isn't mate's fault though. This is mostly due to orca having to use code from the gnome 2 days to make the mate desktop accessible. Mate's biggest issue is lack of developer knowledge. None of the mate developers know how to fix accessibility bugs, and the one orca developer is so overworked she doesn't have time to work on other desktops. I cannot say this enough. We *need* new developers. More developers, more users, and a bigger accessibility community.