
Authored Comments

Have been using computers at work and at home since the early 80s. My current take is that 80% (conservatively) of people who use computers at work would not miss a beat at home if they went strictly Linux. Of course, my personal experience, as well as my fairly deep knowledge of at-worklevels of pc proficiency, presupposes Ubuntu Linux or Mint when I throw out the figure of 80%. The Ubuntu fork is far and away the easiest Linux OS and interface to use and maintain for the average consumer. I, my wife and my son have used Ubuntu Linux at home exclusively on four machines for the past three years. We rarely give Microsoft a thought, and when I have been forced to use it at work both my productivity and my cheery disposition have suffered greatly. The savings in time, frustration and money have been tremendous, and the OS simply works like it is supposed to without breaking or hanging up. I have Windows 8.1 on my work pc, further solidifying my love for Linux. What puzzles me is why the rest of the world does not wake up and smell the roses.