Laurent Cozic

Authored Comments


for macOS, Homebrew is a good solution especially since it manages npm packages better than npm itself (default npm settings are quite bad imho and Homebrew fixes this).

On other OSes I agree npm is not the best way to distribute an app as I had lots of issues with it. I've tried writing an APT before (for a different app) but gave up on it as I couldn't get it to work, but I'll look at RPM.

I've initially started the app using Qt and C++, but unfortunately their mobile front end is not great so I dropped the idea eventually. React Native on the other hand, while far from perfect, is much better to get something reasonably good looking without having to do everything from scratch. Then the reason I used this along Electron is that it allows me to write all the backend in JS, and I can then share this with the three apps and support the 5 different OSes. Probably around 80% of the code is shared between apps which is a massive time saver. For example the synchronisation and encryption backends are complex but since they are shared I can focus on making them as robust as possible, and any improvement will automatically benefit all the app.

Yes there is: on the CLI app, type "/" followed by your search query. On mobile and desktop, simply click on the magnifier icon.