Lewis Cowles (He/Him, They,Them,Theirs)

Authored Comments

I Agree, but what I think I got from the article is that Linux and OpenSource are a feature for this user, and that's okay for now. Hopefully, as I have they'll gradually (or swiftly) realize that without OpenSource or dare I push Libre, the freedoms they take for granted can be circumvented, or squashed.

It's hard.

It sounds like a conflict of world-views. One assumes "hey you're here to help, we work together, or have similar interests". When it's met with "sure #12345" the person could be forgiven for getting the same way back if you ask for help.

It wouldn't be any more right for them to get like that with you though because we are all human and maybe you're busy.

None of us is infallible and none of us never gets annoyed, but I think it's awesome you thought about it after and want to do the right thing more often.

I think digging in until something is solved is an awesome thing if you can build a community or culture to support it.