Lewis Cowles (He/Him, They,Them,Theirs)

Authored Comments

Hi Chris,

Hope you're well mate. Glad there was something there you liked.

It's a great article, but as it went on it sounded terrifying. I take it this is only for very large businesses that can afford to have staff on-call lots of the time to deal with potential fallout? Or are they beyond that? I'm just trying to wrap my head around at what point my own advice is, or becomes invalid or inadequate. I prefer to work with smaller businesses, so we get to avoid some of the complexities of facebook and national services mostly.

This doesn't say for example, don't test locally, then CI, then use staging. It seems that at a certain point it seems to suggest staging may be impractical for velocity, and end-user validation. Monitoring live is essential (we already agree there), with feature flags taking over some things being "tested", I wonder is this entirely through logging? I suppose the problem is that it's hard to visualise. Facebook might not clone itself, but I'd have a hard time accepting even at their gargantuan scale it's possible to log everything.

It's hardly a case for attaching a remote debugger to live, but I wish I had been able to glean a bit more what actually happens.

Very interesting, thank you for sharing.