Lewis Cowles (He/Him, They,Them,Theirs)

Authored Comments

Great article! I've been with Linux since before Gnome, and I think one of the great things about it for me was that I could use it before I had to use it for work. In fact I've never "had to" use any Linux for work, I've chosen to. I think that says a lot about the various projects that exist.

I also love FreeDOS, although I don't use it much any more, it was crucial in my looking into how OS's work; so thank you for that also.

2 & 3 IDK...

I Understand why it's bad to be a perfectionist and I'm pretty far from one (constantly learning means you can't be because tomorrow you learn more that needs considering).

I Just feel like not having good-enough infrastructure or quality can be damaging. I think an additional thing that is quite bad though is OpenSource (or Closed Source) development with profit being the primary driver. I think that will kill most projects faster than high-standards.