Lewis Cowles (He/Him, They,Them,Theirs)

Authored Comments

While this is an interesting article, and it's great you code and enjoy doing so. FOSS and Certainly Open Source has nothing to do with getting paid, or how much people are paid. It is really dangerous to suggest during a time of chronic under-spend and mis-management, that spend should be lower than it is in IT.

Also worth thinking about is that when you talk down someone else value of their service, without giving specific examples , and without insight to the reasoning behind their costings, you actually damage the entire economy, and contribute to a bland third-world future, where everyone works hundreds of hours and retires later because perceived value is so low.

My One other caveat, is that this doesn't mention contributing anything. Just writing code for personal use, which in of itself is not Open Source, as the code is not shared, or Open to anyone but the Author.