Gina Likins

395 points
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Gina Likins | University Outreach, Open Source & Standards Team at Red Hat
I have been working in internet strategy for more than 20 years, participating in online communities for nearly 25, and working in open source for more than four.  I'm passionate about finding ways to help our open source communities thrive and be more welcoming for everyone.
In addition to my interests in communication, conflict resolution and open source community dynamics, I also have a long history with and interest in education, having obtained my North Carolina teacher certification and taught both high school biology and environmental science.
My current role on the the University Outreach team at Red Hat exists to help universities incorporate open source into their curriculum.  Find me at @lintqueen on Twitter.

Authored Comments

Neat research! Do you think that if pharmaceutical companies are more transparent about their work it will increase consumer trust? Right now it feels to me like a very adversarial relationship, and it doesn't seem like it has to be...

> "Interesting this is on an open source blog. You can't feed a family with
> OSS.

> The problem is in the incentive once you begin thinking about things like
> Family and Career.

> Many (most?) coding jobs do not lend themselves well to having a life
> outside of the job."

I think that depends on the company for whom you're working and where they place their priorities.