
Authored Comments

Never forget those that joined the JS team to prevent it working better. I had JavaScript 2.0 from Netscape (IIRC) which involved easy to do classes and inheritance and with just those simple improvements allowed me to write a full blown web GUI in about 2 weeks. It never got ratified as an extension - some of those on the board realised you could ditch the OS when the browser was this capable.

Also learn a bit of everything. Having done Basic at school (didnt really get it) FORTRAN IV at uni (getting there) and then about 7 different scripting languages at work and home computer assembler when I first came across main() in C I knew exactly what it meant. Understanding the mechanics of computing makes most higher level languages easy. C++ has always looked totally natural to me while others scream and run for the hill or design new languages that go through many changes before they start to settle into the same sorts of grooves because under the lid they all do the same things, they just put different barriers in front of it.