Máirín Duffy

Authored Comments

Some ideas on the topic.... I don't always agree with mpt's statements about design and FLOSS tbh even though they are widely cited


Hi Chris, right here on opensource.com there's a multi-part series on using Kdenlive to edit video. I think it really is the tool you're looking for - Blender is great but it's definitely not built for what you're doing so it can get a bit overwhelming (but can be used to great effect of course). See https://opensource.com/life/11/11/effects-and-transitions-kdenlive for how to work with transitions in Kdenlive.

Also, a great resource if you're looking to continue to use Blender for 2D is by the extremely talented FLOSS designer Jakub Steiner, check this out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivIZS5mFMHs&feature=share&list=UU4Ys3RM…