Adam Monsen

131 points
bust photo of Adam Monsen, technology professional
Seattle, WA

Adam Monsen is the VP of Engineering at C-SATS, where he leads all hardware and software efforts to assess and improve healthcare professionals.

Adam is also a co-founder of SeaGL, the Seattle GNU/Linux Conference.

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Authored Comments

Hi Oleksiy, you're welcome! Thanks for reading.

The -v argument is used to specify a Docker volume mount. There are two parts, separated by a colon. HOST_PATH:CONTAINER_PATH.

Change "/path/to/local" to the absolute path to the "local" directory you created on your host. If your current working directory is "/home/user" and you created a "local" dir in there, your docker run command line would include "-v /home/user/local:/notebooks/local".

Note that you must also download the flower_photos.tgz tarball from inside the container. See this step in "Train the model".

Did you run it in the container?