Ahmad Awais

118 points
Ahmad Awais

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ« Edutainer at VSCode.pro 🎩 Full-time #OpenSourcerer πŸ₯‘ JavaScript Developer Advocate πŸ˜‚ Hilarious comedian πŸ”₯ Ridiculously hard-working Full Stack Web Developer ⓦ Regular WordPress Core Developer πŸ“£ TEDx Speaker ✌️ Spends 50-80% of his time building professional FOSS (Free & Open Source Software) used by over 218,900 Developers πŸ™Œ Cloud Community Evangelist 🎯 JavaScript & DevOps fanboy

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Authored Comments

Emoji log is simple and concise. It's actually what we call #M11Y Media based accessibility. E.g. just like if there's a βœ…mark behind a notification you instantly know it's an "OK NOTICE" and something good happened. And when there's ❌behind it. That's a "SOMETHING WENT WRONG" notification β€” even before you read what happened.

Super informative post. Well, FOSS licensing is getting weird as it grows. In the WordPress community, GPL is a big deal. You might remember React.js relicensing back in 2017 for WordPress Core. Thoughts on that?