Heiko W. Rupp

1077 points
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Stuttgart, Germany

Heiko is a long time open source committer. He currently works for Red Hat on the topic of monitoring and management of server and softwares systems. Heiko has received a master in Computer Science from University of Karlsruhe and has written two books on JBoss AS and Enterprise Java Beans.

Authored Comments

A career in Open Source or "just" contributing to Open Source does not require any coding skills. The basic requirement is wanting to give back. All projects can benefit just from feedback about what you as user like or dislike. Most projects can use a helping hands on e.g. forums and mailing lists by community answering questions. Many projects can use a helping hand translating the project into other languages and much more.

And like you say in the last paragraph: most projects also enjoy a "thank you" by their users.

I didn't mention epubcheck for brevity of the article. When I last converted a longer text the a2x tool itself was complaining about issues, which turned out to be typographical " that sneaked in from copy&pasting a text from a Word processor. After that was solved all went smooth and epubcheck then complained about what it thinks to be a non-registered uri scheme (irc:// ) in my text, but that is all.