Sachin Patil (He/Him/His)

730 points

Sachin is passionate about Free and Open source software. He is avid GNU Emacs user and likes to talk and write about open source, GNU/Linux, Git, and Python. He has previously worked on OpenStack, ManageIQ/CloudForms & Red Hat Insights. He also likes to explore Swift Object Storage in his spare time. He can be reached on IRC as psachin@{Libera.Chat, Freenode, OFTC, gnome}. Read more about him at

Authored Comments

Cloning the kernel source will take long due to the fact that it is been there for a long time and git keeps record of history. However if one is not interested in going through history(git log), he can use `--depth` flag, that should only clone recent number of commits from the top and save time.