Karsten 'quaid' Wade

297 points
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Santa Cruz, CA

For the last decade Karsten has been teaching and living the open source way. As a member of Red Hat's premier community leadership team, he helps with various community activities in the Fedora Project and other projects Red Hat is involved in. As a 15 year IT industry veteran, Karsten has worked most sides of common business equations as an IS manager, professional services consultant, technical writer, and developer advocate.
Karsten lives in his hometown of Santa Cruz, CA with his wife and two daughters on their small urban farm, Fairy-Tale Farm, where they focus on growing their own food and nurturing sustainable community living.

Authored Comments

I could be a minority, but I'm waiting for my contract to run down to where I get a deal on a new phone. My personal budget I can't have me "dropping $200" on a phone when my old not-a-smartphone LG Voyager is making calls just fine still. There is no clear business case for me to expense it before my new-every-two-years, so I'll wait. Of course, that means I get the choice of Droid 2, Droid X, or whatever else I want, and that's what I get for having patience.

Two years ago I made a conscious choice to wait two more years for a Linux-based phone, and it is way beyond my dreams back then.

I have to dive in to the Groklaw comment system (for the first time!) to ask if PJ intends the work for inclusion in other works, and if so can she license it with CC BY SA 3.0 Unported. It's currently under a CC BY NC ND 2.5, which is incompatible with the open source way (ironically.) I'm sure I'll raise a bit of a discussion storm and have my comments handed to me on a platter, so we'll see.

Otherwise, I'll do a short write-up from her story, quoting it a few times (under fair use), so as to write an original piece that covers the general materials she covers. Then post that either as a stand-alone appendix or at least under this chapter:
