Ricardo J. Barberis

Authored Comments

Just a(n unrelated) hint, instead of:
$ sudo dpkg -i *.deb ; sudo apt -f install

You could install gdebi-core (or a GUI version) ansd simply do:
$ sudo gdebi *.deb


"I've tried doing Debian packaging but it's not as easy as people think."

I hear you, and RPMs aren't any easier I'm afraid.
I don't know if you have tried it, but OBS (https://openbuildservice.org/) could help you package for different distros.
I just read that you need to upload a .spec file but you might generate a basic one with checkinstall (http://asic-linux.com.mx/~izto/checkinstall/) and tweak it if necessary.

Or you could just use checkinstall to build RPMs and DEBs :)

"We do, in all our tutorials, say that it's not recommended and it's at your own risk."

You should also update your github readme, and/or setup HTTPS for get.edublocks.org to avoid MITM attacks. That would take care of most of the (my) issues with the "curl | bash" method of istallation.
