Robin Muilwijk

Authored Comments

Hello Simon, great post, thank you for sharing.

It is so easy to see Open Source as a quick win with regards to saving money. But as described in the post, one needs to seriously look at the migration, the change in the organization. If you put efforts into that, and aim for the long term profits, Open Source can be a success.

Thanks for mentioning the LibreOffice whitepaper, I did not know about that. Always good to have examples like this post and a whitepaper to share, before jumping into such migrations.

This policy from the White House was today picked up by an IT/Internet news site in the Netherlands. It states our country, The Netherlands, are behind in these (open data) developments compared to the US. Although we do have an open data policy since 2010.

The ministry of internal affairs is working on a vision on open data, the article also says. The European Commission is quoted which aims our government data is worth 40 Billion Euro, and could double when open data is applied.

I say, time to follow examples like the US, UK, France and Denmark!