Robin Muilwijk

Authored Comments

Great read Ginny! I'm in that exact same situation you describe: I pursue open source project, and have been contributing for over 10 years now. During the day, I work in IT, at companies that hardly apply the open source way, through collaboration, sharing etc.

It's not necessarily bad, for a company to operate, more on a conservative model. But for me, being that active in open source, knowing it can be done differently with so many advantages, it's sometimes 'hard'. That's why I think I'm 'spoiled' by Open Source.

Knowing the difference, what is possible through the open source way, sure made me more aware of what I seek for at jobs and employers.

I downloaded the report, will be reading it, and possible forwarding it to the information manager (CIO) at work.

Thanks for sharing your insight, and knowledge, on web application frameworks Michael. Great read!