Robin Muilwijk

Authored Comments

As you replied to Joshua, we probably differ on what we see/use as collaboration tools. In many projects, working together and realizing a shared goal, they do this without tools such as Redmine or Jira. Tasks and status are for example shared through e-mail.

I have to say though, once it leans towards 'project', such tool provide benefits. In a project I'm active in, we recently changed to using Jira, next to e-mail. We have tasks running for longer times, and then tools like Jira can benefit the team.

p.s. thanks for this open discussion, also helps readers understand collaboration in different context.

I think the context is also important, and definition of the type of collaboration you are involved in. For me, being in an open source community, e-mail is my primary tool, but I also use a lot of other tools.

Other collaboration tools are indeed very efficient, for example Yammer, Redmine etc.

If it comes down to communication (context) though, I prefer e-mail. I think it is more sustainable. Especially if you look at Google who has discontinued several services/tools.