Sean Francis N. Ballais

116 points
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Tacloban City, Philippines

Hi! I'm Sean. I'm a student in the University of the Philippines. I code for fun and freelance a bit on the side. I've written code that many people used already. I blog to express not impress. I've been coding for nearly 5 years already, and still learning. I code, blog, support open source, read, play (sports and video games), listen, and learn. And apparently still single.

Authored Comments

Hi Mark,

I gotta admit that LibreOffice does a nice job working with docx files and as an office suite itself. I even used it in sixth grade and throughout high school. Heck, I used LibreOffice to write my thesis paper related to computer vision I did when I was in high school.

I love LibreOffice. But there are times when LibreOffice displays docx files with issues and I can't just afford to have that. That's why I still use Microsoft Office though in conjunction with LibreOffice. There are features that LibreOffice really needs to improve on like its image manipulation in documents, compatibility with Powerpoint files and its UI. The UI doesn't feel right for my tastes. But, in general, I believe that LibreOffice will improve in the future and maybe, just maybe, be on par with Microsoft Office.

Best of luck to you too.

Google Docs is great. But I prefer my files to be save in my hard drive rather than in the cloud unless there are certain circumstances that requires me to save my documents in the cloud. I'm still checking on how I can integrate Google Docs in my workflow. I'm sticking to Microsoft Office as my primary office suite for now.