
Authored Comments

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I'm a little late to the party but I wanted to throw in an additional comment. Kovid Goyal introduced the capability to run calibre as a headless server several years ago. How long ago I'm not sure but I found references to it clear back to 2012. For all I know the capability has always been there. :-)

Anyhow, it seems to me that it might make sense to install your favorite distro with no GUI on a Pi and use it as a standalone ebook server. Throw on an external hard drive on a USB port and you've got quite a capable little server with plenty of storage.

Speaking of which, one of the things that I really love about calibre is using it to pull down newspapers and magazines. At this point there are over 1600 periodicals in what looks like a couple of dozen languages available. Personally, I've got 31 that I pull down on a daily or monthly basis. A personal pet project that's been on the back burner for quite a while is figuring out if I can use a bunch of Pis as calibre servers to do the work of pulling down and converting them to EPUB format from XHTML and HTML. I need to find the time to start playing around with that. :-)