Stephan Sokolow (He/Him)

201 points
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Ontario, Canada

Stephan has an interest in software freedom, human-computer interaction, user interface/experience design, programming, and Linux... but he prefers to leave graphic design to the experts.

Authored Comments

I can agree with that.

My only issue with it is that, as a skilled user with enough technical skill to be programming my own software and administering my own servers on a non-professional basis, I've never been part of GNOME's target market and, as such, their work to better serve their target users has made the desktop progressively less helpful to me.

I don't know about a desktop, but I think it IS possible to have a one-size-fits-all solution for many (possibly most) applications.

I forget where but, maybe a year or two ago, I ran across some very interesting wireframes of how one could use a technique like CSS media queries to incrementally collapse and simplify a UI like Microsoft Word from a full-size desktop screen, through a laptop and netbook and tablet, all the way down to something comfortable to use on a smartphone.