Steve Stites

Authored Comments

Congress is being pressured to tip the balance in courtroom patent fights more toward the defendants and away from the complainants. While this is an admirable idea it will probably have the opposite effect to what is intended. Patent trolls and patent aggressors (those who want to monetize their patents) use the high cost of litigation as a weapon against their victims. Making the patent laws more complex works in the patent trolls favor by increasing the complexity of a patent lawsuit and therefor increases the cost of litigation.

The best solution to the software patent problem is to abolish software patents. A huge financial burden will be removed from the entire software industry. And yes, there may be a few pockets in the industry where the benefits of software patents exceed the drawbacks but they are relatively so few as to be insignificant.

We need to lobby the U.S. Congress to abolish software patents in their entirety with no loopholes.

Steve Stites

Hurray for New Zealand.

Steve Stites