Steve Stites

Authored Comments

Judge Randal Rader, has been the Chief Judge of the Federal Appeals Court for the Federal Circuit for several years. Judge Rader is the most powerful advocate within the judicial system for the idea that all software is patentable. Whenever the Supreme Court tries to limit the scope of patent law Judge Rader simply ignores them.

Judge Rader has been caught up in a scandel and forced to resign as Chief Judge but he still will sit on the court as a circuit judge. This is a huge gain for those of us who advocate abolishing software patents.…


Steve Stites

Could a patent troll avoid the states' anti-troll laws by locating in a state which has no anti troll laws? If a troll sued a company in the troll's home state could the company use the company's home state anti troll laws to combat the out of state troll?

Steve Stites