Zak Greant

Authored Comments

So, reading through the comments, it feels like we didn't put enough focus into showing what we're doing in the article. Lesson learned for next time.

If there are other comments, I'd be glad to hear them. Also, I'm curious to find out who went so far as to run the alpha (<a href=""></a>. It's a pretty fast setup, even if you aren't a Java guru, and gives you a much better sense of what we've done.

Thanks for engaging!

I've not used anything Windows in over a decade and wonder what I'll think. I'll have to putz around with some Metro devices and see what my experience is.

I didn't participate in the design process from the Magnolia 5 UI, but I am helping with the user interface guidelines, so I'm not as biased as if I was the designer, but I'm still far more biased than a third-party non-dev seeing the interface for the first time. :) My initial experience was that if something looked clickable, it was. Some of the touch actions weren't intuitive to me until I accidentally did them (like swiping between active apps.) Are you curious enough to download Magnolia 5 and try it?

I don't understand what you mean by "... the live tiles make it difficult to quickly identify a specific application so you can click/touch it." Can you explain in other terms?

(Edit: Aha. You mean something like, "In Metro UI, the live tiles make it difficult." and not, "In Magnolia 5, ..." as we don't use live tiles (but who know, we might in those few cases where it makes sense – like a calendar app that displays the current date on its icon.)

Personally, I don't have a strong pro-/anti- position on skeuomorphism. I'm more of an implementation wonk – I'll generally pick a brilliant implementation of something that breaks all the "rules" over an average implementation that follows current best practice.