Open Source Cheat Sheets

Linux apt Cheat Sheet

Linux package managers help you handle updates, uninstalls, troubleshooting, and more for the software on your computer. The apt command is the package manager for Debian and…

Linux dnf Cheat Sheet

The dnf command is a Linux package manager on RPM distributions, including Fedora, CentOS, RHEL, OpenMandriva, and Mageia. The more you know about how your package manager…

Kubernetes cheat sheet

Kubernetes manages clusters of containers, providing tools for deploying and scaling applications, managing changes to containerized applications, and optimizing the use of…

GNU Screen cheat sheet

GNU Screen is a terminal multiplexer. It lets you use a single terminal buffer to run many windows. You can split this window into panes so you can see more than one prompt at…

Linux systemd cheat sheet

Modern Linux uses systemd for service management and log introspection. It provides everything from personal Linux systems to enterprise servers with a modern mechanism for…