Why accountability gets a bad rap

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Open organizations demand emphasis on accountability. This month, the open organization community at Opensource.com tackled accountability's finer points during its regular #OpenOrgChat on Twitter. Check out the following recap—and get ready for the next chat.

Q1: What is accountability? How do open organizations specifically embrace the concept? (from @brookmanville) #OpenOrgChat

Q2: Does accountability have a negative connotation? Should we change that? How? (from @samfw) #OpenOrgChat


Q3: How can we enhance accountability without creating cultures of excessive blame? (from @woohuiren) #OpenOrgChat

Q4: How do we ensure accountability when coordinating internal and external communities? #OpenOrgChat

Q5: What is accountability's role in a meritocracy? (from @sc_mccann) #OpenOrgChat

Q6: What is the relationship between accountability and transparency in open organizations? #OpenOrgChat

Q7: What's the best way to balance accountability with freedom? (from @woohuiren) #OpenOrgChat

Q8: What is "360-degree accountability" and why is it important? #OpenOrgChat

Q9: What have you found to be the best way to encourage accountability? (from @woohuiren) #OpenOrgChat

Q10: How do you ensure accountability across geographical locations or on remote teams? (from @allisonsm7) #OpenOrgChat

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The Open Organization aims to reshape the future of management and collaboration in companies and organizations who want to transform the way they do business. Red Hat CEO Jim Whitehurst wrote The Open Organization: Igniting Passion and Performance about his leadership transition from traditional management to an open organization.

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