Writer's List

7 big reasons to contribute to Opensource.com


The Opensource.com Writer's List is composed of opt-in members who have written for the publication at least one time. Each new author is invited upon publication of their first article. The mailing list group receives announcements and conducts conversations via email. Jen Wike Huger, Opensource.com's content manager, maintains and leads the Writer's List. For more information or questions, please contact us

Topics of interest

The Opensource.com Editorial Calendar gives a high-level overview of what we've got planned for the year. For each series listed, you'll see proposal due dates (how we know you'll be contributing to the series) and draft due dates (the submission deadline so that the editorial team has enough time to review, edit, and prep your article for publication in the series).

Every year the editorial team looks back at which series did well with readers, which didn't, and what new topics should be added. So, you can expect to see this calendar change and evolve, and feel free to suggest a series idea to us anytime.

Writing for us

The editorial team will review your topic, give you guidance on writing for us, and copy edit your article to be published on the site. Our style guide and tips for writing for us can be found in our resources.

Can I share this writing opportunity with others?

Yes! Opensource.com is open to new writers of all experience levels and backgrounds, so please let your friends and colleagues know about calls for articles by using our handy email template below. This will also guide you if you're using other forms of communication (e.g., in person, text, chat, etc.). To avoid confusion, do not forward the emails from the Writers List to others. The list is reserved for writers who have been published on Opensource.com and have been invited to join. 

Email template

Hi (name),

I thought you might be interested in this writing opportunity from Opensource.com.

The series is about ____ and the draft due date is ____.

If you're interested, check out their guidelines and tips on writing for Opensource.com. If you have an idea you want to run by their editorial team, or have a draft ready for them to review, you can send it to them via email (open@opensource.com) or fill out the online story submission form.

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