NGT: A library for high-speed approximate nearest neighbor search NGT is a high-performing, open source deep learning library for large-scale and high-dimensional vectors.
Apache Hive vs. Apache HBase: Which is the query performance champion? Let's look closely at the Apache Hive and Apache HBase to understand which one can cope better with query performance.
How to analyze log data with Python and Apache Spark Case study with NASA logs to show how Spark can be leveraged for analyzing data at scale.
How to wrangle log data with Python and Apache Spark Case study with NASA logs to show how Spark can be leveraged for analyzing data at scale.
5 useful open source log analysis tools Monitoring network activity is as important as it is tedious. These tools can make it easier.
Scaling relational databases with Apache Spark SQL and DataFrames Wrangle, aggregate, and filter data at scale using your friendly SQL with a twist.