Our open standards articles explore the movement to create community-developed, non-proprietary, and open requirements, specifications, guidelines for technologies.
Last time I covered two reports assessing a potential move by The Netherlands government toward the use of more open source software. The commonality between the reports, with…
The idea of standards stretches back many years. While competition is good, competition around basic attributes of products in mature markets can obstruct customers. When they…
Wow! What a great Document Freedom Day! Today, the United Kingdom's CabinetOffice released is official Government ICT Strategy – not only in .pdf and .doc, but also in .odt…
Today marks the annual observance of Document Freedom Day (DFD), a global day for document liberation. On this important occasion, let's all recognize that progress has been…
The Open Source Observatory flashed an eye-popping headline last week: “Moving to open source would save [The Netherlands] government one to four billion [euro].” I had hoped…
Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) invites individuals, community groups and institutions to celebrate the Document Freedom Day (DFD) on March 30th. DFD is a global day to…