
Authored Comments

This poll is flawed because I have to vote to see the results here, and I opened this page again to leave this comment and after logging in, the poll is available to me again, and it's also possible to vote multiple times just by opening this page in a private window.
Instead of Other you should have a way of detecting a different responses which gets more than one vote and also be able to delete spam votes for anyone who votes for a custom non-existent distro.
So if someone votes for Void or Void Linux in the Other section, in the final results, you can group those together.
It would be nice if you had a way to verify votes using a Google account, I'd be fine to vote with my Google account as a verifier so that you can show public unverified votes and then a view for verified votes using my google account, as long as my email is not shared. This way the verified votes are more accurate and trustworthy. You could also ask the verified voters to email back saying what they use, why they switched so then you can show even more verified data, otherwise people just see spammy data. And with the Google account based poll, if a voter turns out to have a false google account, their vote is automatically removed from the data a day before you publish the final data :)
Thanks! Happy New Year :)

It would be nice to write the first Solus article for Opensource.com but I'm busy with my studies in university. Maybe you can ask Ikey Doherty the lead developer?
And if I did help to write an article here, I'd like to keep my real name private so I'm not sure how that would be done. Maybe using Google Docs, but I don't know how you'd send me the link to add into it.
Or I could just describe my experience with Solus here in the comments section. But I'd prefer to see an article/review where there are some comparisons to the writer's preferred Linux distro. So I was a big Linux Mint fan before I moved to Solus and now I don't have any reason to move back to Mint since I'd end up with longer boot times and older versions of LibreOffice etc. And some bugs that were introduced by updates were fixed eventually and now I just notice minor bugs which may get fixed one day. It's great that I don't have to reinstall Solus as it's rolling release. I tried Manjaro in a Live USB but I prefer Solus's Software Centre. And the default theme on Solus Mate is better compared to Mint Mate.
For me Solus is the first rolling release distro I've installed and it seems to be the most stable, as sometimes they've updated to a major new version of a package and then gone back to an older version due to stability issues which I did not even notice. Solus keeps updating and just works and lately no minor bugs have been introduced but actually fixed so it just keeps getting better and better. Recently an update removed screen tearing in Solus Mate for me. This was a small but useful bug fix as Compton was not allowed to be added to Solus, so it was cool how a new package fixed this issue.
It would be nice if a Mint/Fedora/Ubuntu/Manjaro user installed Solus on their laptop/desktop and see how easy it is for them to migrate to it for available software and then also do comparisons of boot/shutdown times, memory usage, battery life, system temperature, software installation/removal times, to see a real world comparison of the established Linux distros to the new independent distro Solus.
And finally you could have a real world contest where you take 3 users each a diehard fan of Windows 10, Manjaro and Solus and get them to complete certain tasks which are only revealed to them during the contest and record the video to see who completes tasks the fastest and who has the fewest crashes/bugs etc. It would be nicer to see which OS can complete tasks the fastest and with least crashes or lag in system performance.