Alexander Todorov

167 points
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Alex is a QA contractor at Red Hat responsible for over 1400 bugs, a general purpose open source developer and an entrepreneur. He lives in the Sofia Valley which is emerging as a busy place for start-up founders and tech hackers in Eastern Europe! Twitter: @atodorov_

Authored Comments

Hi Tracy,
you are right, the article applies to opening up application code which you have developed yourself.

If I understand you correctly what you are looking for is a migration guide from proprietary OS and application to an open source OS and apps. I have a reference migration in mind (needs to be another article) but can you tell me what kind of problems are you having (you can also PM me if you like) ?

I disagree!

I'm a senior QA at Red Hat, responsible for a major product and also try to keep meetings to a minimum. It's not about how much of your work is delegated or not.

In fact previously I've attended product planning meetings which can go up to 3hrs. At present I barely visit them and communicate everything important via email. This change didn't have any effect on my work it only freed up my time.