Aaron Williamson

113 points
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Brooklyn, NY

Aaron Williamson is an attorney at Tor Ekeland, P.C., where he counsels software companies, startups, and other technology-focused clients on business transactions, intellectual property issues, regulatory compliance, and related matters. Previously, he worked as in-house counsel at IEEE and as a staff attorney at the Software Freedom Law Center, where he advised community free and open source software projects.

Authored Comments

I agree, Richard -- as weak as this claim may be with respect to GPLv2, it would be very clearly untenable under GPLv3. Developers who wish to provide more clarity on patent issues to their users, or who wish to prevent a fellow contributor or downstream distributor from making a claim like XimpleWare's, should consider adopting GPLv3-or-later instead.

All true, Andrew. My comment was addressed (probably not clearly enough) to developers who have already chosen the GPL for a *new* project, and wondering which version to adopt. It is probably Richard's preference that developers choose GPLv3+ over all other licenses where possible -- that is, after all, why he downgraded the LGPL from the "Library" to the "Lesser" GPL.