Since this discussion appears to have left the realm of the logical and entered that of the argumentum ad absurdum and the red herring, I will leave it to others to respond, or not, as the case may be.
NearlyFreeSpeech.NET has blacked out their site and offered a one-click option to customers to do the same for their own.
Here's what it looks like on mine:
My son (and technical contact) has also blacked out his half-dozen sites.
All of the Free Software Foundation sites (eg.,, etc.) are also blacked out, as is one of my son's favorite niche news sites,
Authored Comments
Since this discussion appears to have left the realm of the logical and entered that of the argumentum ad absurdum and the red herring, I will leave it to others to respond, or not, as the case may be.
NearlyFreeSpeech.NET has blacked out their site and offered a one-click option to customers to do the same for their own.
Here's what it looks like on mine:
My son (and technical contact) has also blacked out his half-dozen sites.
All of the Free Software Foundation sites (eg.,, etc.) are also blacked out, as is one of my son's favorite niche news sites,