I'm a software professional with interest in knowledge management, e-government, programming languages and innovative programming models. I have worked in various industries over the past 20 years, including embedded systems, web start ups, finance, bioinformatics and government. In recent years, I worked at Miami-Dade County where I helped build the e-government solutions division. I have initiated and actively participate in the maintenance of several open source projects.
Authored Comments
I only have anecdotal evidence, but I have seen enough driving forces, of the sort that one would qualify as honest and pure, to be confident that such a model will work. In general, I tend to share the cynical view that a large proportion of initiatives and decisions are driven by interests that have nothing to do with the public good. But self-interest of government employees doesn't necessary mean a hidden agenda for the whole enterprise. I can much more easily imagine a hidden agenda for a private organization, be it a non-profit or a for-profit than something coming out of a local government. Hence the insistence that the whole thing remains, at least for the most part, within the confines of government. There is room for private consulting of course as with any open-source model, but the software has to remain open, free and a collective effort between local government agencies.
Somehow I'm not surprised that this is already taking place in Denmark :) Thanks a lot for pointing this out!