Carl T. Miller

Authored Comments

This is a good list, and it includes the basics that I often use. Let me
suggest two more that make remote access a breeze.

ssh can be used to create secure connections, even within a maze of
subnets and firewall rules.

rdesktop can be used with ssh to provide a graphical connection to
a Windows or Linux (with xrdp) server or desktop.

Not only does this give quick access to a familiar workstation, but it
makes it incredibly easy to share updates in a conference call using
jitsi. I was recently able to show a colleague how I managed backups
across several hosts while displaying the commands I ran and the
expected output. It was almost fun!

Great article, but it's missing one pattern I use a lot, !* It repeats all
the parameters in the previous command.

One use case is to run ls to ensure all the right files are matched
prior to running rm. For example, to remove all the pdf files that
are tutorials...

ls *[Tt]ut*.pdf
rm !*