Sreenivas Alapati

210 points
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Hyderabad, India.

A self-learned artist and programmer. Love art, technology and passionate about the blend of both. Opensource enthusiast, pythonist, javascripter and RHCSA. Currently building an animation pipeline.
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Authored Comments

Thanks Flax. Yeah I know, it sounds a bit like a balancing act initially but once you get the hang, it will be perfectly normal.

Well, I faced that issue when am starting out. But frankly, even rpm has a way to install all the required dependencies. You just need to use yum install file.rpm. There is a way to do almost anything because someone somewhere might have felt the need and wrote it. If not, you allways has the freedom to create it yourself or move to other options which provides what you want. That's the beauty and power of open source. Cheers.