
Authored Comments

Yes, you're actually right. Inkscape and Gimp can well reproduce those examples but as for the easiness and accuracy (especially when it comes of 3D perspective* and distortion of the images) with which the Adobe suite can do something like this there is probably noway to get it with the alternatives.

See also:………

Thank you very much!

* In the past I've been using Paint.Net ( on Windows to obtain a realistic 3D tilt of images (the distortion instead is probably not possible with this program; I don't know). No other program so far has been able to reproduce something similar in such an easy way (surely Blender does but it must be somehow more complicated). When I had to shift to Ubuntu, I couldn't use Paint.Net anymore and got lost!

Hello again! I forgot to ask a question yesterday:

What about mock-ups? It seems that the only way to produce beautiful mock-ups is to use Adobe SWs or alike. I've been thoroughly (at least I think so!) searching here and there but I couldn't find any solution by making use of open source SWs. Is Blender the only way to get it apart Adobe? If so, how?

Thank you very much!
