Chris Haddad

367 points
Chris Haddad @cobiacomm

Chris Haddad (aka cobiacomm) helps reshape IT delivery by introducing disruptive open source projects, refreshing technology platforms (think Cloud-Native), rebuild team interactions (think DevOps), and re-invent opportunity (think APIs).  He works with teams to craft IT strategy, roadmaps, platforms, architeture, and solutions that reshape IT delivery; transforming and disrupting industries.  In collaboration together, we can blend proven best practices, next-generation architectural patterns, and successful adoption plans that will reshape your IT delivery, refresh your technology platform, and rebuild team interactions around DevOps processes. 

Authored Comments

Interesting comment Juan... Based on advising hundreds of Fortune500/Global2000 organizations, I disagree. Strategies fail when the culture does not embrace the objectives. To succeed, IT strategic plans must move forward five distinct top-level workstreams; business models, infrastructure, process, governance, organization. Without a cultural alignment of purpose and objectives, top-down strategies fail. I have seen many SOA strategies fail due to cultural impediments; lack of trust, misaligned funding models, team boundaries, and missing service provider mindset. You can read more about cultural impediments to top-down and bottoms-up adoption in a recent blog post, and in a published paper focused on SOA & API strategy and tactics at

The pieces describe how culture trumps strategy, and how the API movement attempts to fix cultural impediments that created a backlash against SOA strategies.

@Erinn yes, Netflix is serious about OSS. their extensive codebase is posted at and released under Apache v2 license.