I'm working as "Senior Opensource Middleware Expert" at "Technical
Management/Competence Center Middleware" division for "TelecomItalia
Information Technology".
I'm also cofounder of a small italian business called "TuxWeb S.r.l."
working ONLY with opensource stuff.
I was a cofounder of the DBaaS startup NuvolaBase L.t.d. in 2012
with Luca Garulli, the actual CEO of Orient Technologies.
In the beginning I was a Commodore 64 and then MS-DOS lover, since I
started using GNU Linux (Slackware and Debian) in 1996 in a optional
afternoon school course.
I don't have great experience in community aggregation, but I love writing
code and studying new open technologies.
My preferred code licenses are GPL, Apache2 and BSD 3-clause.
I generally use "C" language for daemons and "PHP" for web frontends and
I love Linux Debian that I use every single day, on both servers and