
Authored Comments

Line, Viber are open-source?! Since when?! Why Telegram is omitted? Also linked article in WhatsApp alternatives IS NOT about open-source alternatives!

Nice example with chromium, but sometimes filtering via main program name is not enough - especially wine processes.

Wine/Steam Proton is great tool to start Windows games, but unfortunately - very often it is not working properly and/or it is freezing. Such process very often are still working in the background with different "weird" names even after close all wine windows. There is no easy way to "kill wine" - there are plenty of fork processes and all of them looks like "normal" Linux processes.

My solution for it is:

`pgrep -af C:\\\\`

This command will show PID that have C:\ in their COMMAND. At least on my system all wine emulated programs "pretending" to be started from "C:\" even that such thing is not existing on Linux. All such processes could be killed via command `pkill -9 -f C:\\\\` (-9 because wine very often freeze and "normal" kill will not work on such processes).

PS. Chromium is open-source part of Chrome. The main reason of Chrome existence is harvesting data for Google (and control Internet - with success unfortunately). Because of that - it is understandable that Google do not like if someone is trying do close their data mining terminal. So when you close all Chrome windows - in fact you only hide them. The real exit is hidden in "hamburger" menu, so average users even do not know that Google Terminal is listening all the time (in Windows world it is even more complicated - there is also Google service running all the time - even after real "Chrome exit")...