David Both

7227 points
David Both

David Both is an Open Source Software and GNU/Linux advocate, trainer, writer, and speaker. He has been working with Linux and Open Source Software since 1996 and with computers since 1969. He is a strong proponent of and evangelist for the "Linux Philosophy for System Administrators."

He has written articles for magazines including, Linux Magazine, Linux Journal, and OS/2 Magazine back when there was such a thing. He currently writes prolifically for OpenSource.com. He particularly enjoys learning new things while researching his books and articles, building his own computers, and helping his grandchildren build their computers. He has found some interesting
and unusual ways of problem solving, including sitting on one computer on which he was working.

David has published five books with Apress. Four solo works, “The Linux Philosophy for SysAdmins,” August 2018, and a three volume self-study training course, “Using and Administering Linux — From Zero to SysAdmin,” released in December, 2019. He has also written one book with co-author Cyndi Bulka, "Linux for Small Business Owners" that was released in 2022.

David currently lives in Raleigh, NC, with his amazing and supportive wife, Alice.

He can be reached via email at LinuxGeek46@both.org or on Mastodon at @LinuxGeek46@linuxrocks.online.

Authored Comments

What a great article, Seth. Thanks for sharing that all too common story with us.Unfortunately I have run into similar situations in places I have worked as well.They are narrow minds that have entrapped themselves so far inside the box they cannot even see the walls any more, so they don't even know when the box has been removed.

SO many places "teach" MS Office and call that "computer training," MS Office is considered to be "computer skills" by many employers. I just saw on TV News last night some kid won a competition to be the best MS Office user. Serious!!?

Keep up the good work!

You are correct! Open Source is about choice - and freedom. Open Source provides us with a large number of choices and the freedom to use them in any way we want.

Konqueror itself provides many configuration choices so that we can work in ways that are most efficient and comfortable to us. And then there are the large number of file managers available. Far more than even I knew before writing these articles. Folks have been pointing out many good ones that I was totally unaware even existed.

Choice and freedom rock!
