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Here is the full mockup, in case you were wondering what it looked like:

The Arrow reads: "Because... the world needs to know... Because... TEAM stands for, Together Everyone Achieves More... Because...A Child's Exposure to Technology Should Never Be Predicated On The Ability To Afford It... Because... we have a choice... Because... Mom taught me to share... Because... We the People, of the Open Source Community... Because... sharing is caring... Because... we love Freedom... Because... your OS is too restricting... Because... viruses suck... Because... we release early and often... Because... some of us aren’t motivated by greed... Because... we believe we can do more and more, with less and less... Because... it only takes a spark to get a fire going... Because... if I teach them to fish, they will eat for a lifetime... Because... we are Open-minded... Because... we can legally give our software away... Because... we can impact more people’s lives... Because... a caged bird doesn’t fly very far... Because... we have a voice... Because... I can pay it forward... Because... patent trolls are ugly, foul creatures..."